Founding Principles
Our foundational principles underlie our desire to establish an atmosphere of caring, gentleness, respect, and integrity. These principles allow us to maintain an environment that is supportive, nurturing, and empowering to all who attend.

Because we believe the women in our community need one another, we envision a gathering where women come together to praise God knowing they are welcomed, worthy, valued, wonderfully made, and beloved by God just as they are.

Because we believe faithful worship has the power to bridge any divide and breakdown any barrier, we envision an experience blessed by prayer, music, testimony, laughter, and a connectedness that builds relationships, heals divisions, and fills hearts with the promise of God’s presence and love in our lives and community.

Because we believe when two or more are gathered together amazing things can happen, we envision the Holy Spirit moving among us, renewing, transforming, igniting our lives of faith as we encounter and focus on God in our midst.

Because we believe that the impact of our gathering together will positively ripple into our community, we envision a sending forth of women energized by new relationships, touched by God’s spirit, equipped and empowered by Jesus’ example to love one another, and impassioned to live with generosity and kindness in our homes, our churches, our neighborhoods, our community, and our world.
Because we believe...we envision